Lower court judge and barrister HHJ Nicholas Parfitt is accused of nepotism and corruption in civil case

Lower court judge and barrister HHJ Nicholas Parfitt is accused of nepotism and corruption in civil case

In an attempt to cover up judicial fraud involving the Lord Chief Justice’s recent appointment in the last 12 months of barrister HHJ Alan Johns, HHJ Nicholas Parfitt is caught perverting the course of justice in a conspiracy with HHJ Johns to implicate an innocent man's involvement in a claim he knew nothing about and was not a party.

Financial Fraudster News Investigations who in what can be described as one of the most blatant abuses of position can reveal that an order made by HHJ Johns in his inaugural year sitting at the Central London County Court where the matter had been transferred earlier, in what amounts to the practice of secret justice, to set aside an order made by an experienced and hardworking judge sitting at Clerkenwell County Court that the claimant in the case was not who he said he was but in fact a convicted murder named Christian Barabutu currently held at HMP Swaleside and another person who is in fear of being identified based in Belfast.

The claimant in the relevant proceedings is a Russian businessman named as Dez Hold who had no idea of the order made by HHJ Johns in secret hearings which resulted in a double injustice.

Firstly, Christian Barabutu was given a General Civil Restraint Order by HHJ Johns without a hearing and in breach of the Human Rights Act 1998 and the Charter of Fundamental Rights.

Secondly, the order that Dez Hold had obtained from a Clerkenwell & Shoreditch Judge was struck as being without merit.

Financial Fraudster News Investigations has been shown evidence that in March 2019 Mr Hold’s legal representatives lodged an application to set aside HHJ John’s order on basis that the order was based on fraudulent misrepresentations which included Mr Barabutu and the unnamed person.

Financial Fraudster News spoke to Mr Barabutu who said, “Why and how is my name caught up in proceedings I know nothing about and how can I be punished?” he added, “I have only just found this out and I am making a complaint.”

A notice of hearing was issued confirming the application had been passed to HHJ Parfitt a registered barrister appointed in 2016 by the Lord Chief Justice who is known to have made several irregular judgments which Mr Hold and shareholders of an unnamed international company with a British subsidiary have been made aware. Mr Hold stated:

“Is this the famed British justice, the two judges are clearly working together in a conspiracy HHJ Johns is caught making fraudulent statements whilst abusing his position in a court order that has effects on peoples lives, and the other [HHJ Parfitt] crudely lies saying the parties never gave a reason for an adjournment, when in fact each agreed to the problem by consent.”

Financial Fraudster News Investigations has seen more details of the hearing listed for 30 August 2019 and the request for an adjournment by the parties having agreed by consent due to no direct access counsel availability for the defendants. The reasons seen and given in HHJ Parfitt’s order amounts to a fraudulent misrepresentation of the truth as HHJ Parfitt readily stated in the order "no reasons are given and granting the adjournment would fail to utilise the court's time to benefit other litigants."

A legal spokesman commented "The level and consistency of highly paid judges are concerning, having seen the evidence provided by Financial Fraudster News, it is simply extraordinary that a judge the level HHJ Johns to simply construct an order without due process and  based on fraudulent misrepresentations is reckless and a public interest matter of course."

He added "HHJ Parfitt is clearly involved in the earlier decision and has tag-teamed the case and probably everything he can get his hands-on, HHJ Parfitt has attempted to cover up the matter by any means possible but has shot himself in the foot by dismissing an order by his colleague in the most concerning and disturbing manner possible nepotism resulting in the bringing of the civil court system into disrepute, in a climate where even the prime minister is prepared to ignore the law, HHJ Parfitt's actions do not surprise me at all." 

The erosion of legal standards can be seen when a lack of quality and inexperience judges are appointed to positions of power which are misused, the decision to hold a secret hearings where rulings emerge that ordinarily would go without notice, but in this case and unfortunately for HHJ Johns and Parfitt concerns are raised as to each of the judge's conduct which any reasonable person can rightly assume is an abuse of power and should and must result in the strict punishment as would befall any member of the public following due process that has been clearly deprived from the victims of the conspirators actions in the first instance.

The exposure of this article reflects not only upon the individuals concerned but on the British civil justice system as a whole, it is for the Lord Chief Justice to consider this matter thoroughly and objectively free from the inadequacies that underpinned the poor decisions by HHJ Johns and HHJ Parfitt to abuse their lofty judicial public positions.

Financial Fraudster News Investigations has asked the Lord Chief Justice office and the Lord Chancellor to comment.


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