City of London Police Commissioner accused of perverting the course of justice to avoid paying £10,000 court order

City of London Police Commissioner accused of perverting the course of justice to avoid paying £10,000 court order

Financial Fraudster News investigation team can reveal that since 2013 the City of London Police (CoLP) now headed by Ian Dyson has failed to comply with the rule of law amid allegations of perverting the course of justice.

Financial Fraudster News Investigations has seen court paper that reveal that following a 2013 order from the County Court of England and Wales that ordered the CoLP to pay £10,000 to a victim of CoLP officers who were found to have forged documents during proceedings that led to City of London Magistrates' extending enhanced bail conditions for a suspect in 2012 in a successful attempt to pervert the course of justice.

Despite CoLP's societal role to enforce the rule of law, in one of the most hypocritical positions taken by a public authority ever reported it has taken a High Court order in July 2019 uncontested by CoLP for the High Court to extend a Writ of Control which allows High Court Enforcement Agents to embarrassingly attend CoLP's headquarters to seize goods or property for the debtor.

Since January 2013 when the CoLP were found in the County Courts in England and Wales to have submitted fraudulent documents to City of London Magistrates’ Court their home court in order to ensure that a suspect in criminal proceedings involving fraud allegations would have existing bail conditions either revoked or be the subject of further stringent reporting conditions following an investigation led by the then Officer in Charge (OiC) Detective Constable Andrew Hart aided and abetted by Detective Chief Inspector Clancy (now commander).

The suspect who had not yet faced a criminal trial was awarded £10,000 as a result, and what happened next can be seen as one of the most flagrant, vindictive, abuses of position and conspiracies by a public authority and whose public officials in a sophisticated and premeditated act willingly perverted the course of justice which ultimately led to series of injustices which has shown that City of London Police, an organisation that is pledged to uphold the law, found to be arrogantly riding roughshod over the law and depriving the debtor citizen of rights enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights and the Human Rights Act 1998.

The CoLP has continued to disobey the Court order that originated from the County Court Money Claims Centre (CCMCC) on the basis that the suspect had obtained the judgment by fraudulent means implying that the suspect must have somehow leveraged undue influence over a judge to enter judgment, then settling on the basis that the creditor and suspect at the relevant time was the subject of a General Civil Restraint Order after the claim was issued by the Court that a retrospective allegation of fraud could apply which in CoLP’s case embolden their position and refusal to pay.

Never in the long and illustrious history of City of London Police, whose commitment to city crime-fighting is legendary, has it resulted in the High Court Sherriff now named High Court Enforcement Agent to be found knocking to recover debts owed. Readily compounded by the fact that the debt evolved from the unlawful actions of its own officers in the course of their duties is revealing.

The reaction to date has been irregular to say the least, the head of the City of London Police Commissioner Ian Dyson has authorised several attempts to knowingly pervert the course of justice by instructing various legal representatives to actively promote that the claim prior to the judgment was obtained by fraud on the part of the claimant whose was said at the time to be the subject of a General Civil Restraint Order referred to as a GCRO to stave of the judgment.

Several City of London Corporation solicitors have persistently and fraudulently misled the High Court Queen’s bench masters and in an ex-parte application in 2015 managed to get a stay.

Fraudulent Misrepresentations

The fraudulent allegations made by the CoLP have been found to be falsely supported by evidence from the CCMCC who issued the claim and who gave written evidence that the Claim had been applied for on the 9 January 2013 prior to the existence of the GCRO effective date, the creditor has since assigned the debt to a third-party, now CoLP has a new problem pay the outstanding debt plus interest or continue to stretch the falsehoods in an ever-widening.

In 2018 the assignees of the CoLP debt made a successful application to the High Court for a Writ of Control, High Court Enforcement Officer Andrew James Wilson trading as Andrew Wilson and Co were assigned by the Registry Trust and duly engaged with the CoLP who duly on the authorisation of the head of City of London Police promptly showed Andrew Wilson and Co the bogus and fraudulent order obtained by CoLP in 2015, despite that order being superseded by the 2018 Writ of Control.

Andrew Wilson and Co Ltd faces legal action for negligence at a hearing listed for November 2019 this follows the High Court order made in July 2019 which found that the CoLP falsehoods as a fraudulent misrepresentation designed to pervert the course of justice for CoLP’s own ends to avoid complying with the law the CoLP rightfully expects the public at large to obey.

CoLP is a Police force led by Commissioner Ian Dyson who now faces calls to conduct an investigation how an organisation that is supposed to enforce and uphold the law has itself become to be accused of being above the law on his watch in an act corrosive of the civil justice system and an attack on the rule of law.

The High Court to issue of an extended Writ of Control means CoLP now faces HCEO action in 2019.

Financial Fraudster News has asked both the CoLP and Andrew Wilson & Co to comment on this article to date and has not received a response from either party.


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