District Crown Prosecutor attempts to pervert the course of public justice by hindering prosecution of indicted fraud suspect.

District Crown Prosecutor attempts to pervert the course of public justice by hindering prosecution of indicted fraud suspect.

Financial Fraudster News investigations can reveal that prolific serial fraudster, Jacqueline Timmis currently indicted on four counts of fraud and perverting the course of justice in a trial set for early 2025 at Southwark Crown Court in a private prosecution beset by threats from Mrs Timmis, her lawyers Nicholls & Nicholls who recruited a corrupt District Crown Prosecutor identified as Jasmine Ferguson to hinder prosecution with the ultimate goal of derailing the private prosecution which Mrs Timmis is found to have defrauded over £300,000 between 2006 and 2008 from beneficiaries of the Clinton Hector 1980 Trust and its subsidiary companies.

The private prosecution like almost all prosecutions is based on informants and key witnesses of all shapes and sizes, key to the success of any case being brought to trial.

Mrs Timmis of Gillam Street, Worcester, a criminal and fraudster over decades along with her estranged husband, John Mark Timmis have defrauded millions from innocent victims using a web of corrupt industry professionals to aid and abet their fraudulent conduct.

Facing a lengthy jail sentence, Mrs Timmis in a last-ditch effort has enlisted corrupt CPS, District Crown Prosecutor to hinder the prosecution that is so overwhelming and that clearly indicates that proceeds of crime have flowed through accounts controlled by Mrs Timmis.

Ms Ferguson now faces the difficult challenge of fighting off a new wave of charges to be brought against Timmis involving mortgage fraud and money laundering. The main thrust of Ms Ferguson is to use the informant as a reason for using her powers within the CPS to scupper the forthcoming trial.

Financial Fraudster News will keep readers updated on future events.

A spokesperson for the US Trust said “if the corrupt CPS District Crown Prosecutor, Ms Ferguson scuppers a legitimate private prosecution against US beneficiaries, she will have hell to pay, and actions will be brought against her in the US along with the fraudsters Timmis…we will ask our DA to seek an extradition if warranted, so she’d better watch out..”

**Beneficiaries of Clinton Hector 1980 Trust parent of UK subsidiary Clinton Hector LP, a private equity company and minority shareholder of FFN Media, parent of Financial Fraudster News.

Financial Fraudster News have contacted the CPS and legal representative for Timmis for comment.