HMP High Down Governor Emily Martin imposes strict regime of 23.5 hour lockdown and no fresh air exercise for COVID infected prisoners

HMP High Down Governor Emily Martin imposes strict regime of 23.5 hour lockdown and no fresh air exercise for COVID infected prisoners

Financial Fraudster News investigation have been told by recently released prisoners from Surrey prison that Emily Martin, Governor of HMP High Down Prison has imposed a strict regime of a minimum of 23.5 hours lockdown, no fresh air exercise and infrequent wash and shower availability.

It appears that the current Government guidelines on COVID infections are very relaxed as COVID is now seen in the same light as flu, and as such the guidance and the law no longer requires the need to self-isolation.

Financial Fraudster News investigation can reveal that HMP High Down staff and prison officers are still required to attend work even when presented as COVID infected; in stark contrast in reality to the prisoners housed on House Block 4 and other House Blocks in the prison where they are subjected to an austere regime.

Financial Fraudster News investigation spoke to a former inmate John Frank [not his real name] released on 27 December 2023 who stated; “prisoners with COVID are forced in infect other inmates, they forced to live within cells designed for just one inmate…its criminal, the lads who are infected with COVID because they are intimidated to live in a really small cell together…”

The potential for legal action may take the form of a breach of human rights under Article 3 of the Human Rights Act 1998, under the prohibition of torture.

The High Down lag continued, “if you are forced by an officer to share with a COVID infected person and then you contract it, I believe it’s a serious assault occasioning grievous bodily harm…”

Financial Fraudster News investigation has spoken to HM prison contributor a former prison officer John B, who stated “with prisons overcrowded it’s obvious when a situation like this arises a Governor will act in a very very extreme manner in order to prevent any widespread infection amongst prisoners, but at the same time with the current legal guidance, people beyond the prison walls are simply allowed to continue their normal day to day business even whilst infected…each prison will have their own issues, but if legal action is taken its going to test any civil court in relation to any claims made against the Government in relation to the conduct of a prison Governor who may or may not be acting unilaterally into whether an individual’s human rights has been infringed…”

Financial Fraudster News has approached Emily Martin Governor of HMP High Down and the Ministry of Justice for a comment.


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