Met Police ordered to disclose documents with 14 days following allegations of false arrest and imprisonment by armed police

Met Police ordered to disclose documents with 14 days following allegations of false arrest and imprisonment by armed police

Metropolitan Police Commissioner is ordered to disclose documents pertaining to the reason of the arrest and imprisonment of a law-abiding member of the public following the hard stop and the alleged unlawful arrest at gunpoint by armed police officers.

An incident that has left the electrician Tariq Carter “terrified” who after going about his lawful business and having just dropped his young son at a family members house and unbeknownst to him was completely unaware that for the previous 30 or so minutes whilst driving his Audi he was being stalked and trailed by a posse of armed response vehicles commonly known as ARVs.

Mr Carter oblivious to the impending dangerous and freighting situation about to envelope him, and when the moment arrived the police subjected Mr Carter to what is called a “hard stop” by armed police who rammed Mr Carter's in broad daylight whilst in a busy area on the Lambeth Road, the armed police then went through their training in armed situations and subjected Mr Carter through the horrifying vehicle extraction process and arrest while the crosshairs of the laser sights peppered his body from the deadly weapons that were trained on him.

The shock and disorientation Mr Carter was made to endure in that moment left him confused and in fear of his life, he tried to fully comply with the chorus of shouts, seemingly coming from several directions all at once, of “put your hands up”, “don’t move”, listen carefully…, as he knew if he made the wrong move a trigger happy cop could and would take his life, following directions Mr Carter found himself lying face down. Mr Carter was summarily handcuffed and arrested and then conveyed to Brixton Police Station, his fear now turned to anger.

Mr Carter kept his dignity whilst in the custody knowing he had been falsely arrested and detained by the Met Police who carried out a series of searches apparently in the hunt of a firearm on that faithful afternoon in 26 July 2019 Wandsworth County Court heard.

On completion of the searches Mr Carter was released without charge or explanation. As a law-abiding family man and hardworking electrician, local to South London he knew that these events happened but only to those of course engaged directly or indirectly with the crime culture.

As a result of the incident with the Met Police Mr Carter was subjected to thousands of pounds of damage to his Audi car, the impact of the hard stop was so violent that the collision aggravated an old back injury that is now being treated.

Moreover, the psychological distress, the embarrassment of his parents who work for the Prison Service and a government department respectively having their home searched has caused embarrassment, anxiety and anger for reasons why a family member can be treated in this way.

Mr Carter sought a disclosure order from the County Court at Wandsworth in order to make sense of what had occurred.

The Court arranged a hearing listed for 4 March 2020 of which the Met Police failed to attend and which Mr Carter’s barrister Mr O. Thomas laid out the events which convinced the Court and resulted in the Deputy District Judge Tomlinson ordering the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police to disclose specific information within 14 days that could inevitably assist the Court and Mr Carter of the relevant facts the police relied on and as to why Mr Carter was the subject of the alleged unlawful arrest and imprisonment in the first instance.

Financial Fraudster News will be following developments in these proceedings.

Metropolitan Police Service has declined to comment on this artice.



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