Scotland Yard is routinely letting down the public a report by the policing watchdog has warned.


The Metropolitan Police Services (MPS) was criticised for neglecting to identify repeat victims and failing to respond to crimes including domestic abuse and stalking as well as delays in answering 999 calls.

It is failing in six out of nine key areas, officers are “overwhelmed” with workload and supervisors are teaching investigation basics instead of providing leadership and direction, the watchdog warned.

The report by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire Rescue Service (HMICFRS), which details how the Met failed to record 69,100 crimes in a year, was a major factor in the decision to place the force into special measures.

The watchdog made the move in June, citing “substantial and persistent concerns” about the Met’s persistent concerns about the Met’s performance including failures to stamp out corruption and a sting of high-profile scandals. They included officers at Charing Cross exchanging racist and sexist messages – A case which resulted in the ousting of Cressida Dick as Commissioner when Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, lost confidence in her.

It found the Met was recording just 1 in 21 anti-social behaviour crimes taking more than three days to record rape reports and sometimes failing to record domestic abuse, stalking and harassment.

HMICFS concluded that the Met’s response to the public was adequate, and improvement was required in its crime investigation.

The Met said new Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley “has made it very clear that the Met needs to improve”.

A case in question is the Met’s north are command where officers operating from north London have wasted considerable resources based on a bogus police complaint by a fraudster prepared to waste police resources to make gain for himself at the expense of an innocent victim.

It has been reported to Financial Fraudster News Investigations that racism and investigatory bias by a bungled criminal investigation by Metropolitan Police Service detectives led by discredited trainee detective Kirsty Rees who has been it is alleged manipulated by a well-known fraudster David Richard Smith who has a long record of abusing the Civil Courts of England and Wales to bring vexatious claims against large corporations and public authorities including the Metropolitan Police Service who he owes a £9,000 in legal fees and was given a General Civil Restraint Order (GCRO) in 2020 as a direct result.

The former RAF maintenance worker who identifies himself as a war veteran fallen on hard times, is identified as a person who is prepared to defraud the public purse receiving housing benefit whilst receiving a £30,000 per year military pension whilst building a holiday home in Ethiopia and taking luxurious Dubai holiday breaks. The greedy and morally bankrupt Smith has brought a series of bogus civil actions that has led to a Judge issuing a GCRO in 2020 and who know faces bankruptcy as a result of not repaying legal costs against creditors.

Financial Fraudster News Investigations has been documents revealing that in May 2020, Mr Smith made a false criminal report to con Halifax that he was in fact a victim of fraud in order to receive a refund of payments that a man identified as Mr Windy-Kyds (not is his real name) who worked as a placement agent for a litigation funding company had identified himself as a solicitor and that between May 2019 and May 2020 had defrauded Mr Smith of over a purported £9,000 for alleged legal costs for claims brough in Mr Smith’s name.

Further investigations have revealed that Smith had concealed from the Met investigators the he knew that Mr Windy-Kyds had not identified himself as a solicitor but a successful businessman of which Mr Smith acknowledged in a series of emails for his Google email account concealed form the Met investigators seen on 3 June 2019, the contents were concealed form the Met’s detectives in order to further his criminal behaviour and to defraud his bank Halifax who in 2019 introduced 100% refunds to its customers who were victims of fraud.

Financial Fraudster News Investigations has seen County Court documents dated 24 May 2020 and submitted to Willesden County Court, signed electronically by Mr Smith and verified by a statement of truth in defence of allegations of fraud. Mr Smith claims in his statement that Windy-Kyds is now a barrister who has been struck off and who now impersonates solicitors. The ever-changing allegations highlights the dizzying fraudulent conduct and an ability to show little or no regard to the Courts of England and Wales by attempting to pervert the course of public justice. Mr Smith adds in his statement that Mr Windy-Kyds defrauded a third party identified as Mr Jamie Kirk or an of £3,000. The allegations by Mr Smith were complete fiction and Mr Kirk in an affidavit refutes the allegations and in an email to Mr Windy-Kyds’ employer accusing Mr Smith of Fraud and Perverting the Course of Justice.

Power of Attorney
Financial Fraudster News Investigations has been an email exchanges dated 17 July 2019 between Mr Smith and the Paralegals company who employed Mr Windy-Kyds that clearly identified Mr Smith granting Power of Attorney (PoA) to the company and authorising a copy of the PoA to be sent to Enfield Council. This is at odds with the false statements of Mr Smith in a signed statement of truth filed at Willesden County Court on 24 May 2020 in order to Pervert the Course of Justice.

Email Accounts
Financial Fraudster News Investigations has seen further evidence that the MPS detectives led by alleged corrupt Trainee Detective Constable Kirsty Rees who took over the previous investigation which started several years ago in 2020 led by a Trainee Detective Constable Bridget Geraghty and which has deliberately failed to investigate Smith’s emails dated 3 June 2019 which discloses the true extent of the fraudulent conduct of Mr Smith who later filed a false crime report stating amongst other things that Mr Windy-Kyds identified himself as a solicitor.

However, the disclosed email exchanges in fact contradicts Mr Smith’s false and vindictive police complaint of which the contents clearly shows the Mr Smith was shown two media articles by two national newspapers The Sunday Times of the United Kingdom and The Derry Journal of Northern Ireland that were sent to and read by Mr Smith who replied “I’ve just read the paper report about your amazing win absolutely incredible”. The failure by TDC Kirsty Rees to investigate Mr Smith’s emails since 2020 show incompetence and possible racially motivated discrimination.

Police Investigation
Financial Fraudster News Investigations has now seen correspondence relating to Mr Windy-Kyds’ criminal complaint was lodged against Mr Smith citing Fraud by False Representation and Perverting the Course of Justice and offence that carries a jail sentence on conviction that Mr Smith has perpetrated over an extended period between May 2019-May 2020.

The Metropolitan Police refused to investigate the complaint in a decision that amounted to discrimination and unjustified bias when conversely Mr Smith’s complaint was investigated which led to Mr Windy-Kyds’ arrest and imprisonment later released without charges. The actions by the MPS have been condemned as “Racist” by Mr Windy-Kyds’ legal representatives who are considering bringing a private prosecution against Mr Smith as a result.

Mr Smith’s sophisticated and premeditated fraud against the Halifax furthered by a false police complaint that resulted in a false arrest and imprisonment and a waste of vast police resources cannot and should not be allowed to go unpunished.

The Metropolitan Police Service and the IOPC has declined to comment on this article.





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