Worcester City Council called immoral in benefitting from fraud victims

Worcester City Council called immoral in benefitting from fraud victims

Since 2006 Mark Timmis and Elizabeth Timmis a Worcester based couple who led a gang of fraudsters that included employees of Russell and Co solicitors whose senior partner Nicholas Turner aided the defrauding of circa £500,000 from several victims in an advance fee fraud and who one victim traced funds used by the fraud gang to pay Worcester City Council tax bills. 

One victim who was defrauded out of £191,000 another victim was defrauded out of £100,000 to the fraud gang the victims have traced proceeds of the fraud to Worcester City Council following a court order that has revealed several service providers and traders that include well-known high street brands in possession of proceeds of crime that has resulted in further misery to the victims.

One victim who shall remain unnamed won a civil court judgment against the fraudsters and traced the proceeds of crime to a Lloyds bank account controlled by Mark Timmis and Elizabeth Timmis from their Worcester home at the relevant time at Rainbow Hill Terrace, Worcester, allowed under court orders.

Lloyds bank handed over banks statements which showed linked payments defrauded from the victim to conservative run Worcester City Council directly from the proceeds used by the fraud gang leaders Mark Timmis and Elizabeth Timmis.

Despite overwhelming evidence shown to Worcester City Council lawyers Worcester City Council has refused to return the funds it has inadvertently received on behalf of the fraudsters.

The distraught victim has told Financial Fraudster News that "...the public and Worcester City Council taxpayers need to be made aware of the unconscionable failings by one public body who have been unjustly enriched by a local gang of fraudsters not only using the residing locally cloaked in the camouflage of respectability but to accept bills being paid with the proceeds of fraud on the back of their victims, is a disgrace." 

Financial Fraudster News has seen email correspondence and can reveal that Worcester City Council was asked to repay the stolen funds used to pay the fraudsters council tax bills used to carry out their fraud.

Financial Fraudster News has asked Worcester City Council to comment to date Worcester City Council has declined.


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