UK government approved dishonest conduct of GLD lawyer Zara Broadley-Johns to assist the AGO to pervert the course of justice to make damning fraudulent misrepresentations that leaves UK taxpayers potentially owing £500m in damages

UK government approved dishonest conduct of GLD lawyer Zara Broadley-Johns to assist the AGO to pervert the course of justice to make damning fraudulent misrepresentations that leaves UK taxpayers potentially owing £500m in damages

Her Majesty’s Attorney General Geoffery Cox has been accused of abusing the Attorney General’s Office in an attempt to pervert the course of justice in High Court proceedings against an individual where the case papers were served wrongly to a North London business address thought to be acting for the individual in July 2019.

Financial Fraudster News investigations can reveal it has seen documents that in the court filings against an unnamed individual did not comply the Civil Procedure Rules of which the AGO is expected to comply with as the British government's Attorney General, but what was contained in the Particulars of Claim proved to be shocking attempt to bring proceedings with a view to invite the High Court to make a draconian order against the individual.

But what actually appeared in the filings was the name of a company called DEZ Holdings Ltd which the AGO without any credible evidence had attempted to mislead the High Court by stating that a lawful order it had obtained earlier in the Courts of England and Wales was obtained by fraud in a blatant attempt to mislead the High Court.

The court papers which were disclosed to a DEZ director has caused angst and distress amongst DEZ staff and management in what has been described as wilful fraudulent misrepresentations by the AGO and the Government Legal Department who admit to having colluded with HM Courts and Tribunals Service aided by court staff and with the approval of Judges to pour through legally privileged documents supposedly held and protected by the recently tightened laws pertaining to General Data Protection Regulations known GDPR of which HM Courts and Tribunals Service must uphold. It gives rise to a new strategy employed by the UK government when UK justice is seen as being eroded when a judges, the AGO and GLD can ride roughshod over legal privilege to breach the human rights of citizens and corporations in the UK.

DEZ in handing the legal documents to Financial Fraudster News investigations news team in order to disclose government corruption at the highest level has enabled Financial Fraudster News investigations to gain an insight into how the AGO, Judges, the GLD and HM Court and Tribunal staff will work together to mislead the High Court of England and Wales without regard to the truth.

In what can only be described as a wholesale abuse of public office by the AGO jointly with GLD who made a series of fraudulent misrepresentations that DEZ and members of its management team had committed fraud against a BVI registered company that DEZ has owned since 2011, the documents were submitted by dishonest Government Legal Department lawyer named as Zara Broadley-Johns for the AGO.

Broadley-Johns a solicitor has been caught acting in breach of the Solicitors Code of Conduct in knowingly and or recklessly misleading a court and signing the statement of truth.

Financial Fraudster News investigations can reveal after the AGO had obtained legally privileged documents in a sophisticated and premeditated breach of DEZ Holdings Ltd rights that should be protected under enhanced data protection, the Charter of Fundamental Rights and the Human Rights Act.

The conduct of the AGO and the GLD’s Broadley-Johns have given an insight into the wholesale and systemic abuse of position both the AGO with the connivance of the GLD who willfully engages in baseless, defamatory and libellous statements founded in a willingness to pervert the course of justice whilst signing a statement of truth in order to mislead the High Court of England and Wales.

A spokesman for DEZ stated “we sent a letter before claim to the dishonest the AGO requesting an apology to advert litigation, the letter was responded to by Broadley-Johns without apology we have applied for an injunction against the AG whose conduct is completely unacceptable”

The spokesman further stated “the DEZ Board want this matter brought to the attention of the taxpayer as this is an abuse of public office and a public interest matter, which will result in a claim for substantial damages as a result of the tortious interference in a commercial contract by the overwhelming evidence of the hand of the state akin to a communist regime.

Financial Fraudster News investigations has seen a High Court order that confirms that DEZ owns two substantial commercial buildings in London since 2011 and that if the alleged UK government interferance is proven it could cost UK tax payers in excess of £500m in damages in lost rental income.

Financial Fraudster News investigations has invited the AG to comment, Geoffrey Cox has declined to date.

Financial Fraudster News investigations will be monitoring the forthcoming events.


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