More fraudulent allegations surface involving the AG’s office and GLD solicitor Zara Broadley-Johns…

More fraudulent allegations surface involving the AG’s office and GLD solicitor Zara Broadley-Johns…

The Attorney General and the Treasury Solicitor is obliged to act with candour and not to mislead in bringing proceedings on behalf of the government.

Financial Fraudster News has seen court documents that reveal the extent that the AG’s office, the TS’s office and Broadley-Johns a GLD lawyer are prepared to abuse their positions respectively in order to pursue a former prisoner as a vexatious litigant whilst in the process disregarding civil procedure rules and the law.

In the pursuit of the unnamed released prisoner the AG’s office, the TS and GLD’s Broadly-Johns has made submissions in particulars of claim in support of a Part 8 Claim that have led to a series of complaints and allegations and additional legal action on behalf of several parties who are incensed and have started appropriate litigation to clear their names following what is described by a victim as “invidious acts by the government smear innocent parties as fraudsters”

Broadley-Johns who is the architect of the AG’s High Court action against the prisoner action has managed to get access to several non-party case files in breach of the protocols that are in place to safeguard personal data breaches under the current General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

In one instance in breach of legal privilege she references in written submissions made to the Queen’s bench dated 12 July 2019 that “steps have been taken to prevent the property transfer” in proceedings neither the government of any government department was a party in which she confidently predicted that lower court judges [Deputy District Judge Hull and His Honour Judge Parfitt] would make rulings to prevent shareholders of a company named Kinloss Property Ltd from benefitting from the property they own.

352On 27 August 2019 His Honour Judge Nicholas Parfitt (inset) made an irregular order staying proceedings involving shareholders of Kinloss Property Ltd the parties to these proceedings in the absence of justice allege corruption, abuse of position and a sophisticated and premeditated attempt to subvert the course of justice and bring the civil justice system into disrepute by HHJ Parfitt, DDJ Hull and GLD’s Broadley-Johns.

A spokesman for the shareholder group has described the conduct of HHJ Parfitt “as deceitful and corrupt with a willingness to practice secret justice” the group have vowed to challenge the actions of the judge via complaints to the Lord Chief Justice, courts applications and via the European Courts of Justice, if necessary, and also to engage with the media due to the public interest value attached to such acts of the judiciary.

The attempt by a cabal of yet unnamed biased Judges and officials which include the recently appointed and tainted HHJ Johns, HHJ Parfitt, DDJ Hull and GLD’s Broadley-Johns who challenge fact and attempt rewrite history whilst interfering in private company and shareholder business is simply extraordinary and forms part of a rotten core that is employed as public servants and funded by the taxpayer.

The Kinloss shareholders are considering possible human rights claims against the government when the civil justice system in the hands of the current actors named and unnamed who have brought the civil justice system into disrepute amid a climate when even the prime minister of the United Kingdom threatens to ignore the rule of law is simply unconscionable and undemocratic.

Financial Fraudster News has asked the Lord Chief Justice, The Treasury Solicitor and the Attorney General’s Office and the Government Legal Department for comment.


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