Exclusive: CPS Prosecutor exposed in “sting” using criminal practices in Crown Court proceedings to frame an innocent suspect in conspiracy to pervert the course of public justice.

Exclusive: CPS Prosecutor exposed in “sting” using criminal practices in Crown Court proceedings to frame an innocent suspect in conspiracy to pervert the course of public justice.

Financial Fraudster News investigations has been shown court documents that show James Norman a barrister employed by the Crown Prosecution Service as a prosecutor to be exposed in a “sting” operation carried out by a private investigator to uncover a link between an organised crime group (OCG) head identified as Hertfordshire based Stephen Flattery of Woolgrove Road, Hitchin, Hertfordshire and several police officers employed by Hertfordshire Police Constabulary, who have aided Flattery to defraud several overseas finance and property companies.

Financial Fraudster News investigations can reveal 5 Paper Buildings Chambers’ Barrister James Norman has deliberately in a premeditated action handled stolen goods supplied by the head of an OCG to prosecute and innocent victim, conduct that is at odds with the ethical constraints he is bound by.

Financial Fraudster News investigations’ court reporter has confirmed that Flattery recently appeared at Cambridge Crown Court in August 2024 charged with 8-counts of fraud, perverting the course of public justice and offences relating to the Postal Services Act 2000, following a private prosecution.

Financial Fraudster News investigations has seen evidence of collusion between OCG member Flattery, police officers, David Quinn, Sian Beames and Anna Luxon, CPS lawyer Andrew Sarkany and CPS prosecutor and barrister James Norman caught in a “sting” operation which reveals the extent of the conspiracy to pervert the course of public justice, and which erodes public confidence in the criminal justice system.

The “sting” operation targeted Flattery, currently residing unlawfully at Woolgrove Road in a property owned by Cheryl Plummer LP, which is majority owned by Cheryl Plummer (International) LLC, a USA registered company.

Flattery and members of the OCG have attempted to take control of the Woolgrove Road property for many years, following the death of the former owner who is believed to have been coerced by Flattery directing members of the OCG, namely a man known as John Dolan who became Power of Attorney for the former owner of the property.

It appears that Dolan applied for a £250k loan through a company called Whiting Timmis and Partners Trust (Cayman) using the Woolgrove Road property as collateral to obtain a fraudulent loan from a Cayman Islands lender directed by the OCG head Flattery, using forged valuation reports and guarantees from a sham company called Shearson Lemond Limited, set up and operated from the Woolgrove Road property. The loan was not repaid, and the proceeds of crime was distributed through the OCG to enrich Flattery and Dolan.

The loan now in default, induced Flattery, Dolan and the OCG to attempt to distance themselves from the fraud and placed OCG associate Daniel Lambie in the Woolgrove Road property to act as a pseudo canary in the coalmine.

Financial Fraudster News investigations can reveal Heritage Trust Cayman Islands has been identified as the creditor and despite numerous attempts to recover the loan, the company in 2018 sold the debt book for Whiting Timmis and Partners Trust, owner of Whiting Timmis and Partners LLP formerly known as Edward Whiting trading as Whiting Timmis and Partners, and Shearson Lemond Limited to Tuscany 1980 Trust (Cayman) formerly a British Virgin Islands domiciled Trust.

In 2020, Tuscany 1980 Trust employed litigation investigatory assets based in England through its Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), who identified members of the OCG who had attempted to take control of the Woolgrove Road property known to police as a squat and used to consume and distribute drugs.

Tuscany 1980 Trust in 2020, instructed a private investigator to pose as a buyer for the Woolgrove Road property, that remains unregistered land, at the relevant time, legally owned by Tuscany 1980 Trust through its United Kingdom SPV Tuscany Trust Holdings Trustees LP.

The private investigator reported, following a meeting with Flattery and Dolan, and when asked how they could sell the property without title, Dolan boasted in the presence of Flattery that they were “bulletproof”, meaning they [OCG] was immune from arrest due to links in the local police.

Tuscany 1980 Trust agreed on a plan to expose Flattery and the OCG’s links to the police by undertaking to bring a civil action against the current management of its newly acquired subsidiary, Whiting Timmis and Partners LP a United Kingdom subsidiary of Whiting Timmis and Partners Trust, Caymans, formerly known as Edward Whiting trading as Whiting Timmis and Partners, using the Woolgrove Road property as the address for service.

The legal documents were served at the Woolgrove Road property. Flattery residing at the Woolgrove Road property unlawfully, while trespassing, wilfully opened postal packets decanting its contains and retaining the stolen property.

Flattery conscious of the fact of being at the Woolgrove Road property illegally continued his criminal offending by acting contrary to Postal Services Act 2000 by interfering with the mail that did not belong to him or had permission for him to open.

The stolen mail was passed to David Quinn, the alleged OCG link, in the Hertfordshire Police Constabulary who conspired with Flattery to handle the stolen property. Quinn passed the stolen property to Sian Beames and Anna Luxon who also handled and realised the stolen property to support a bogus prosecution against an innocent victim.

David Quinn continued his criminal offending and implicated CPS lawyer Andrew Sarkany who is alleged to have reviewed the stolen property and authorised CPS barrister James Norman to feature the stolen property as evidence in a prosecution of an innocent man in proceedings held at Cambridge Crown Court based on profiling and in total disregard to the law and his professional ethics.

Financial Fraudster News investigations’ crime and court reporter Caitlen.R has stated; “I have read the investigations case file and all historic and archived material concerning the facts of criminal conduct by police officers, crown prosecution lawyers and prosecutors in their collective attempt to prosecute an innocent person, using criminal profiling as the mainline of enquiry. This has been conflated with unethical and criminal conduct by a prosecution team based in the Thames and Chiltern area who have displayed an approach to the criminal justice system that is a public interest matter, and must be recorded with the individuals involved, many public officials, being named…any CPS prosecution cannot use criminal conduct as a means to an end to pursue a prosecution that fails to meet the full code test…the Secretary of State must be informed that rogue individuals in the name of the State are committing criminal acts in an attempt to secure a criminal conviction in the criminal courts of England and Wales…the Police and the CPS cannot claim incompetence to the law they have broken…”

Hertfordshire Police Constabulary, Crown Prosecution Service, James Norman and Stephen Flattery has not responded to requests for comment from Financial Fraudster News.