Former Royal Air Force engineer David Richard Smith is accused of state benefit fraud and fraudulent misrepresentations

Former Royal Air Force engineer David Richard Smith is accused of state benefit fraud and fraudulent misrepresentations

Former Royal Air Force engineer David Richard Smith is accused of state benefit fraud the disgraced forces veteran is a stark contrast to the efforts and determination of RAF veteran charity fundraiser Captain Tom Moore.

The former ROYAL AIR FORCE engineer, 70 of Hugh Gaitskill House, Butler Road, London, NW10 is accused defrauding housing benefit by under declaring the amount he currently receives monthly from his state pension and armed forces pension and has assets overseas jointly owned with his sham marriage partner Senait Woldetsadik who live at separate addresses both are supported by the tax payer.

The serial and vexatious litigant who has consistently mounted several claims all totally without merit and each case leaving him thousands of pounds in debt to solicitors and legal support.

Financial Fraudster News Investigations can reveal that on at least two occasion the hapless vexatious litigant in person has sought help from legal specialists and paralegals and against advice has proceeded with several claims that were hopeless and meritless claims which have been dismissed and then only to accuse the specialist help solicitors or paralegals of fraud.

Sham Marriage

Financial Fraudster News Investigations can reveal that the estranged couple have for some years, hidden from the benefits agencies, built and owned a holiday apartment in Ethiopia, despite living separate lives London now Woldetsadik has conveniently settled in the United Kingdom while Smith continues mislead state authorities that he was homeless until the charity Stoll helped.

But the propensity for the greedy and fraudulent Smith to hide behind his veteran status and seek help from the state for housing benefit while he continues to receive over £2000 per month from several pensions and then has knowingly and wilfully taken advantage of charities such as Stoll when in fact the seventy year old is alleged to have entered into a sham marriage with the thirty-something Woldetsadik, an Ethiopian national.

An employee of Haringey council who contacted Financial Fraudster News Investigations said “This is the exposure that the likes of Smith who has never seen combat service but pretends because he is a veteran deserves everything for free and commits fraud and abuses our immigration system with his estranged wife by circumventing immigration controls he needs to be investigated.”

Financial Fraudster News Investigations spoke to Victor Amadigwe a solicitor at Haringey Law Centre who stated: “...that Smith has a history of bringing cases without foundation and totally without merit and when the judge strikes out or dismisses his claims he then wants to find a way to get his money back by any and all means possible including fraudulent representations regardless of the harm it may cause to others.”

Serial Litigant

Financial Fraudster News Investigations has seen several court documents that show that the vexatious litigant Smith owes over £37,500 in costs orders for his reckless claims and we have seen evidence that show that Woldetsadik has been sacked by Marks and Spencer Plc for stealing and has been caught twice and cautioned on each occasion by TfL investigations appeals and prosecution team for fare dodging.

Financial Fraudster News Investigations can reveal that the chairty Stoll the leading provider of supported housing to vulnerable Veterans and who support veterans in hardship has been misled by the benefits fraudster Smith who has pleaded with Stoll for help while he prevented his former landlord entry to her property 10 months after the heartless Smith and Woldetsadik had refused to leave the property at Millicent Grove, London, N13 6HS the owner Mrs Hannah Hariz sought possession and sued the benefit cheat and was awarded judgment for over £5000 and costs from Edmonton County Court in January 2020.

Smith and Woldetsadik have been shown evidence and have been asked to respond to this article Smith  has both declined to comment.

Woldetsadik replied firstly denied that the article was accurate stating: (copied verbatim from email received from Woldetsadik)

"I have just received a most shocking email from you to comment on what’s published today.

I have been accused of fraud claims and my name is on the Financial fraud news page which is published on 4th May 2020.

I don’t know any of the accusations and I never done any false claims to anyone ever!

This is completely false accusations and I’m depressed about it.

I need your urgent assistance in regards to this matter I want my name to be removed from this false accusations which is on the financial fraud news page.

Please contact me ASAP ..

Senait Woldetsadik   

Sent from my iPhone"

Steve Gregg a senior reporter for Financial Fraudster News Investigations has asked Woldetsadik to answer the following questions:

We have read your email and we need to clarify some questions:

Are you married to David Richard Smith?
Do you live with David Richard Smith?
Are you an Ethiopian National?
Do you have children with David Richard Smith?
Do you own property in your name or jointly with David Richard Smith in Ethiopia?
Have you been investigated by TfL for fare dodging?
How many times have you been investigated by TfL for fare dodging?
Have you made a complaint to the financial ombudsman about Lloyds Bank?
Please identify what part of the article is false?

Woldetsadik replied: (copied verbatim from email received from Woldetsadik)


I thought you should ask this questions and clarify with me before you go ahead and post on your website not afterwards!

Anyway everything you mentioned in that article about me is all wrong none of them are true!

I’m a legal citizen of this country who pays my tax and never abuse the system by any means!

I know You heard all that rubbish, false information from the most Disgraceful, greedy lier David nothing from my side which is unfair.

Again I would like to ask you to remove my name from your website ASAP! If not I will be forced to take this further At all cost.

Senait Woldetsadik   

Sent from my iPhone"

Financial Fraudster News Investigations will continue to cover this fast moving story and aims to update readers with any further developments.

Links connected to this article are below:

The Home Office and Brent Housing Benefit have declined to comment.

Download this file (Appeal Refused.pdf)David Richard Smith[Baseless Appeal against Met Police]18391 kB
Download this file (Baseless British Airways Claim .pdf)David Richard Smith[Baseless British Airways Claim]7105 kB
Download this file (BA_Letter.pdf)David Richard Smith[British Airways Letter]1030 kB
Download this file (Cost for Met Police Claim.pdf)David Richard Smith[Met Police Default Costs]16874 kB
Download this file (Cost for Met Police Letter.pdf)David Richard Smith[Met Police Letter]15293 kB
Download this file (DRS_July 19_RD.pdf)David Richard Smith[Thank you letter to Paralegals]40 kB
Download this file (Evidence of Falsehoods to Lloyds Bank .pdf)David Richard Smith[Evidence of Lying to Lloyds Bank]97 kB
Download this file (Exhibit Page 1.pdf)David Richard Smith[Eviction of David Richard Smith]859 kB
Download this file (Exhibit Page 1a.pdf)David Richard Smith[Costs against David Richard Smith]60 kB
Download this file (Exhibit Page 2.pdf)David Richard Smith[Costs against David Richard Smith]104 kB
Download this file (Letter to District Judge; Case No. F01ED822; Parties D R Smith v Enfield Council RD.pdf)David Richard Smith[Letter to Judge]56 kB
Download this file (Lloyds Bank Scam_11072019.pdf)Senait Woldetsadik & Smith[Lloyds Bank Scam]52 kB
Download this file (Lloyds Bank Scam_24062019.pdf)Senait Woldetsadik & Smith[Lloyds Bank Scam]35 kB
Download this file (M and S and Met Police Claim.pdf)David Richard Smith[Baseless Met Police Claim]264 kB
Download this file (PoA Authority Email.pdf)David Richard Smith[PoA Authority Email]52 kB
Download this file (POA_May 2019_RD.pdf)David Richard Smith[Power of Attornery]83 kB
Download this file (Senait Woldensadik P1.pdf)Senait Woldersadik[TfL Fare Dodging ]13766 kB
Download this file (Your complaint about Lloyds Bank PLC (Our ref_ 20822622).pdf)Senait Woldetsadik & Smith[Lloyds Bank Complaint]119 kB

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