HHJ Backhouse and Master Fontaine accused of corruption and abuse of public office without regard for the seven principles of public office to pervert the course of justice in cases heard that each judge have been alleged to have conspired in have led to a police complaint.
Sources close to entrepreneur, investor and multi-business owner Shaun Mills of Shaun Mills & Co were so shocked at the conduct of County Court judge Wendy Backhouse (Pictured right) and High Court judge Barbara Fontaine (Pictured left) who are believed to have both conspired to openly try to link Mr Mills’ London paralegals company to an unnamed person currently under court sanctions who is falsely believed by judges to behind the multi-million-pound company.
Financial Fraudster News Investigations has found no links to any unknown person or a vexatious litigant to incite the cabal of judges to act against the paralegal company that from the Companies House register appears to be controlled as indicated since 2020 by Shaun Mills who has stated that “Any attempt by a judge or anyone to state that I don’t control my company, is simply false and the corrupt judges who are actively involved in making judgments that state otherwise are simply dishonest and are abusing their lofty positions in society to pervert the course of justice.”
Financial Fraudster News Investigations has spoken on and off the record to a number former employees of Shaun Mills & Co based in Leicester that are believed to have led Mr Mills to complain to the UK judicial Conduct Authority about the conduct of several judges Mr Mills was bluntly told to report the matter to the police if he believed that evidence existed that there was any supporting evidence to support serious allegations against any judicial public official(s).
Mr Mills is said to believe that several judges were abusing their position and who were appearing to act in a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, by falsely stating that a non-party who if linked to the proceedings that Mr Mills or his Shaun Mills and Co or its subsidiaries were involved in could be struck, dismissed or made to look like the non-party somehow was behind the company.
The Seven Principle of Public Life
Financial Fraudster News Investigations has seen court documents in linked proceedings in July 2021 at the Mayors and City of London County Court that Backhouse knew that a vexatious litigant had been sued by a former employer and that a court settlement had been reached after the corrupt Backhouse had previously refused to approve the parties consent order application.
Financial Fraudster News Investigations has seen court papers that show Backhouse allowed a party a landlord accused of breaching a contract in the most egregious manner in separate proceedings to allege that the counterparty was in fact the agent of the vexatious litigant that if a link to a vexatious litigant could be established it would allow her to find in favour of the accused.
In a case previously presided over by HHJ Luba, it appears that HHJ Backhouse was parachuted in to the proceedings with one aim, regardless of truth or justice, to prove that a vexatious litigant was the agent, controlling mind or otherwise and linked to the claimant company seemingly now used as a catch all phrase, in what on the facts was a sham hearing disguised as a case management hearing that resulted in a bogus judgment that lacked honesty, transparency from a judge who knew that the evidence before her was at odds with the Part 36 settlement she knew existed in a separate case and a further £1.5m settlement in yet another linked case involving the very same vexatious litigant that rendered the evidence before her as false of which the judge ignored and made no reference to her knowledge of other proceedings to successfully pervert the course of justice.
The shameless and dishonourable judge's fraudulent sham order is now being appealed the so-called honorable judge showed a callous indifference to the consequencesof her actionsand clearly blots the copy book of her promising judicial ascent to higher office since her appointment to HHJ status on 22 January 2018.
Financial Fraudster News Investigations can reveal that a complaint has been lodged to the police.
A spokesperson for Shaun Mills & Co and the sister paralegal company have refused to comment.
Financial Fraudster News Investigations will keep readers updated with any future developments.