Exposed! The conduct of the Commissioner of the City of London Police amounts to a do as I say not as I do policy...

Exposed! The conduct of the Commissioner of the City of London Police amounts to a do as I say not as I do policy...

The conduct of the Commissioner of the City of London Police in failing to pay a court order and to prevent the enforcement process allowed under the law of England and Wales following the misconduct of one of its officers following findings in the County Courts of England and Wales that amounts to a total disregard to the civil justice system of England and Wales.

Financial Fraudster News Investigations can reveal that the Commissioner of the City of London Police failed to challenge the order itself such was the overwhelming uncontested evidence against the Commissioner of the City of London Police and the Officer PC Andrew Hart accused of perverting the course of justice and false misrepresentation in 2011.

The Commissioner having accepted the courts order and disregarding the right to appeal and whose conduct thereafter serves to affirm the blatant disregard of the law that the Commissioner a public servant pledges to upholds and who has seemingly violated his oath of office to uphold the law in a civil claim that was uncontested which desecrates the basic tenants of our civil justice system and seriously undermines the credibility and legitimacy of legal system.

Moreover, the Commissioner as a public servant and has embarked on conduct designed to evade the paying of a debt by using the resources of the police whilst systemically asking the members of the public who the Commissioner of the City of London Police serves aided uniquely by the power of the law when served with similar orders or penalties under the same law.

Financial Fraudster News Investigations has seen court filings now said to be lost by HM Courts Services officials at the Mayors and City of London Court revealing that the Commissioner has failed to comply with a court order which does not square up with the current Commissioner of the City of London Police’s profile the public would rightly expect when faced with a similar court order.

Due to the status held in society by the Office of the Commissioner of the City of London Police, a high ranking public official, and as one who must be seen as a leader and to uphold the law whilst setting an example for the officers serving under him and the public it serves, yet despite this role, the Commissioner of the City of London Police continues to engage in obfuscation, obstruction and continues to be defiant in the face of a court order.

This incident can be interpreted as a signal sent by the Commissioner of the City of London Police to the members of public as simply; do as I say and not what I do, and at time when penalties for Covid-19 were handed with ever increasing regularity it is for the public officials and the small minority especially those charged with upholding the law to seen to be doing the right thing.

The Commissioner of the City of London Police stands out and remains as one of the only heads of a public authority to be found to be in defiance of an order of a Court of England and Wales, and that the principle amount owed attracts interest while amounts over £5000 remain outstanding and which has yet to be settled by the Commissioner.

The Commissioner is alleged to have lost his moral compass and has by his own conduct elevated himself above the law, this is a sad day for the law and civil justice system of England and Wales that the Commissioner of the City of London Police can simply give scant regard to one of the pillars of society the court system. 

The Commissioner has so far declined to comment.


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