wn.com accused by acquitted Defendant of publishing fake news!

wn.com accused by acquitted Defendant of publishing fake news!

Financial Fraudster News investigation team can reveal that since 2013 the City of London Police (CoLP) published a false narrative of an alleged billion-pound fraud against the State of Libya.

wn.com continues to publish false facts that contains a link to a non-functioning part of the site despite the article being long disowned by CoLP following the threat of legal action due the plethora of inaccuracies about verdict and the sentencing of the two defendants on trial at Harrow Crown Court in 2013.

Financial Fraudster News has read court transcripts including the verdict and sentencing remarks by His Honour Judge Anderson which reveals that Kenroy Brown was acquitted of any links to the alleged billion-pound fraud against the State of Libya.

Financial Fraudster News has spoken to Kenroy Brown who stated: “I was acquitted of all counts involving the alleged billion-pound fraud against the State of Libya, I didn’t even know this peddler of fake news existed until Financial Fraudster News asked me for an interview, I will now consider starting proceedings against for defamation against these bullshitters.”

Financial Fraudster News has asked both WN.com and City London Police to comment on this article to date Financial Fraudster News has receive no comments!

Financial Fraudster News has asked the WN.com to comment.

Please contact Steve Gregg: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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