Allegations of fraudulent representations and cries of corruption dog Metropolitan Police as they pursue an innocent victim based on a ‘Nick’ type complainant and vexatious litigant David Richard Smith following a failed attempt to defraud a bank

Allegations of fraudulent representations and cries of corruption dog Metropolitan Police as they pursue an innocent victim based on a ‘Nick’ type complainant and vexatious litigant David Richard Smith following a failed attempt to defraud a bank

Metropolitan Police corruption is rife following a ‘Nick’ type complaint by proven liar David Richard Smith following a delinquent investigation led by a trainee detective constable Bridget Geraghty now unravels following previous allegations of bias, procedural impropriety and illegality and a growing number of witnesses who are stating that Smith has contrived an allegaltion to lead investigators on merry dance of lies and more lies to seek an innocent victim.

Financial Fraudster News Investigations can reveal David Richard Smith a serial liar and vexatious litigant who in an attempt to make financial gain due to his mounting debt with interest being applied at an eye-watering eight per cent has filed a false police report against an innocent victim to recoup money from banks.

Metropolitan Police who has been asked to the innocent victim to clear his name in a voluntary interview which was declined due to the corrupt actions of police investigators trainee detective constatable Bridget Geraghty, PC Thomas Luby and PC Petruta Leonte who have each made false representations to induce false witness statements against the unnamed innocent victim.

Allegations that PC Thomas Luby and PC Petruta Leonte breached the Human Rights Act and General Data Protection Reguations in providing Smith with personal data which led to a complaint and investigation into the conduct of the officers who have been referred to the Independent Office of Police Complaints who are conducting an investigation.

Financial Fraudster News Investigations has been provided with evidence that trainee detective constable Geraghty is now peddling fraudulent representations and defamatory statements that the innocent victim is the head of an organised crime group in an attempt to induce false statements to bolster a non-existent crime based on the false and fraudulent representations made by Smith.

The investigation to date has simply failed to follow the evidence or police investigation procedures that has left the shambolic amateur investigation into the illogical and nonsensical allegations made by Smith, if properly investigated would reveal baseless civil claims against former solicitors, barristers, Met Police and his own landlord to list a few, that court records show that Financial Fraudster News Investigation has seen that show a series of orders made against Smith with counsel representing him at each hearing of which the court made substantial costs against him.

Bungling Metropolitan Police officer Geraghty who has taken the lead in the investigation and has failed to carry out the most basic 101 investigation techniques into the veracity of Smith's allegations in the first instance. Financial Fraudster News Investigation has seen court files that relate to more than a dozen cases Smith has brought that show that Smith was represented and duly had control of as a litigant in person.

Geraghty and colleagues in a misguided ‘honest belief’ that the innocent victim is ‘guilty’ of allegations based soley on the evidence of Smith that do not add up while egregiously violating the basic rules of evidence which she has elevated the innocent victim to be involved in an organised crime group in a naive attempt to give her investigation a more credible feel and purpose, when in reality it is at best a civil matter and at wost a wild goose chase but for the corrupt Geraghty and officers in tow this is a desparate to create fabricated backdrop to a non-criminal matter.

Geraghty and her bosses have consistently refused to investigate the conduct of Smith whose ‘Nick’ type allegations levelled at the innocent victim, the conduct of Smith in the absence of commonsense and good policing has now resulted in the formal lodging by the innocent victim of a criminal complaint over the malicious and baseless criminal allegations made against the innocent victim of which the police must investigate. But allegations of bias dictate that Geraghty and her superiors ‘honest belief’ are not involved in getting to the truth but to secure a conviction on fabricated evidence and has resulted in the Metropolitan Police ignoring exculpatory evidence to pursue vendetta against innocent victim due to bias and prejudice.

Financial Fraudster News Investigations has contacted the firm who acted as power of attorney for Smith a spokesman for the paralegal company stated;

“…the clue is in the name we provide limited power of attorney services, Mckenzie friend services and drafting services and for one of our many introducers to be singled out and accused of not providing legal services i.e barrister, solicitors services is ridiculous, we dealt direct with Smith and he instructed us to obtain services which were executed everytime. We have successfully taken legal proceedings against Smith in the civil courts which Smith was challenged about the same allegations he has made against one of our introducers and he failed to file a defence, the court entered judgment in our favour. Smith is a fraudster and liar, we support all our introducers and will provide evidence whenever required to support them.”

Metropolitan Police Service and David Smith have declined to comment on this article.

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